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Infos lore en vrac !

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Infos lore en vrac ! Empty Infos lore en vrac !

Message par Alekzei 10.10.15 23:32

Puisque le scénariste en chef de WS se charge de répondre à des questions de lore, j'invite vivement les gens qui en ont à les poser ici (il faut un compte reddit), et en Anglais :

Ca va continuer ce dimanche, donc go, go, si vous avez des questions !

Concernant les questions sur les races, n'oubliez pas qu'il y a énormément d'informations à leur sujet ici, pensez à vérifier qu'elles n'y soient pas déjà plutôt que de répéter : https://www.wildstar-online.com/fr/game/loremageddon/

Il y a ENORMEMENT de réponses et je ne les ai pas classées. Si vous cherchez des réponses à un thème précis, faites simplement un ctrl+f et recherchez un mot clef (ex : Draken, Eldan, Vitalus, etc...).

Dernière édition par Alekzei le 11.10.15 12:04, édité 1 fois

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Infos lore en vrac ! Empty Re: Infos lore en vrac !

Message par Alekzei 11.10.15 4:37

Hop, réponses officielles aux questions postées par l'Alekzei, en vf :

-Est-ce que l'alcool affecte les Mordesh ?
Ca peut toujours les affecter, et parfois fortement, mais ils peuvent aussi se débarasser rapidement des effets grâce au Vitalus. Celà dit, certains d'entre eux ne peuvent en profiter que par intraveineuse (tu as déjà vu la tronche à machoire sous verre, n'est-ce pas ?).

-Dans l'article du Loremageddon sur les Mordesh, il est question de la cérémonie de mariage Mordesh impliquant l'usage de masques. Pourrions-nous avoir plus d'informations dessus ?
Oui ! Dans notre document sur le lore Mordesh il est mentionné :
"Engagements : Les Mariages Mordesh sont nommés "engagements", et les mariés, "engagés". Les mariages sont présidés par l'Orateur d'une enclave Mordesh. La tradition veut que les deux engagés portent des masques. Durant la cérémonie, chacun retire le masque de l'autre, en s'engageant à être éternellement loyaux envers leur "véritable eux" (Note d'Alek : "true selves", pas très satisfait de ma trad, mais j'ai pas trouvé mieux sur le coup). Ces masques sont généralement exposés au domicile du couple.

-Les femelles Dreggs existent-elles ? (Je crois n'en avoir jamais vu en jeu.)
Ah, mais tu en as bien vu. Sur ce point, ils sont plutôt comme les Chua.

-Sachant que la grande majorité des Drakens sont supposés être des combattants/chasseurs, est-ce qu'un Draken chef cuisinier, artiste, ou apprenti ingénieur se ferait prendre de haut, ou tuer par les siens ?
Il se ferait probablement dénigrer un brin au début, mais n'importe quel Draken assez talentueux et passionné pour suivre une telle discipline leur fermerait le clapet, à terme, grâce à ses capacités, démontrant que de telles disciplines peuvent en effet avoir une place dans le coeur d'un chasseur.
Et, à défaut de les convaincre, les défier dans une sorte de duel de sang. Et maintenant, je m'imagine un Draken avec une toque de chef faisant des gateaux et affrontant un autre draken portant une toque d'une autre couleur. Kitchen Stadium, assurément. (Note d'Alekzei : C'est une référence à l'émission Japonaise Iron Chef, où des chefs cuisiniers s'affrontent dans une "arène de cuisine".)

-Quels sont les familiers les plus populaire auprès des différentes races ? (Même les races non-jouables, comme les Pells... enfin, peut-être pas toutes, mais j'aimerai beaucoup en apprendre plus concernant certaines races sur ce sujet, en tout cas !).
C'est une question vraiment interessante, et j'admet que nous n'avons jamais vraiment creusé le sujet. Il y a clairement des créatures (et notamment les montures) qui sont alignées avec (ou partagent la même planète d'origine) certaines races jouables et groupes de cet univers. Je n'ai pas une liste complète, mais là, de tête, voilà quelques exemples :

-Les Exilés humains adorent les chiens (cousins des Dagun).
-Les Aurins aiment tous les animaux, mais certains privilégient les petites créatures comme les splorgs ou les jabbits (et d'autres préfèrent les plus grandes, comme les furrelopes)
-Les Granoks apprécient d'avoir des familiers mécaniques, ou au moins robustes.
-Les Mordesh aiment les choses qui grouillent ou rampent... quand ils essaient d'aimer des choses, du moins.
-Les Chua ? Il suffit d'améliorer quoi que ce soit, et c'est nickel. Ou sinon, un robot-tueur, m'voyez ?
-Les Cassiens de la Haute apprécient de nombreux animaux exotiques, alors que les moins privilégiés sont plutôt fanas de chiens.
-Les Drakens élèvent (et chevauchent) des cochons de guerre.
-Pour les Mechari, n'étant pas faits pour apprécier, ni même comprendre le concept d'animaux de compagnie, c'est plutôt pêle-mêle. Ca dépend du Mechari, somme toute. Certains ont une réelle aversion des familiers robots, ils les trouvent grotesques et perturbants.

-Tous les Mordesh ont-ils leurs réservoirs de Vitalus au même endroit, côté lore, ou est-ce que c'est juste une limitation de gameplay/création de personnage ? Si c'est une affaire de lore, quelle en est la raison ? Est-ce qu'un(e) Mordesh peut avoir d'avantage de réservoirs sur son corps ?
Tu veux dire, est-ce qu'ils pourraient ajouter plus de réservoirs à Vitalus ? Côté lore, il n'y a aucune raison qui les en empêche : chaque Mordesh a techniquement sa propre quantité adaptée  de Vitalus puisque chaque individu a perdu différentes quantité de chair face à la maladie. D'avantage que nécessaire ne ferait pas de mal, mais ça ne servirait pas à grand chose, si j'ai bien compris la question correctement.

-Merci !
Mais de rien ! Merci de jouer, et d'avoir posé des questions pertinentes sur le lore.

Je ferais un listing de toutes les questions/réponses du sujet demain si j'ai pas trop la flemme, par contre je m'embêterai pas à traduire tout le reste en français, c'est trop de boulot et je n'ai absolument pas le courage de m'en charger ! Je recommande vivement à ceux qui sont passionnés par telle ou telle race de se livrer à la trad' des questions la concernant, éventuellement, ça fera toujours moins de travail que s'occuper de tout.

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Infos lore en vrac ! Empty Re: Infos lore en vrac !

Message par Thys 11.10.15 10:55

Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris le temps de traduire. Tout cela est fort intéressant!

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Infos lore en vrac ! Empty Re: Infos lore en vrac !

Message par Alekzei 11.10.15 11:19

Hop, voilà pour le reste des réponses apportées hier ! Notez qu'il répondra encore à des questions ce dimanche, et si vous en avez, n'hésitez pas à en faire part sur ce sujet, même en français, et je transmettrais au besoin. Smile

   What was daily life like on Gnox?

Not dissimilar to the way it is now, albeit with fewer orbital-bombardment craters and corroding mega-hulks scattered across rocky battlefields. (The Way of Stone doesn't allow the Granok of Gnox the technology needed to remove the wreckage, so they have left it to the elements).

Life, in short, was and is simple, uncomplicated, boisterous, and very Granok in style and attitude. The difference is their complete lack of desire to use offworld technology or to leave the surface of their homeworld. They'll use a hammer, but not a powersaw. A sword, but not a magpistol. They'll use rockbats to carry messages, but refuse to set up a planetwide comm net.

Some believe that exiling the very mercenaries who saved them from Dominion conquest and refusing to adopt galactic technology leaves them very vulnerable to attack, but so far anyone who would want to try (including the Dominion) is both too preoccupied with Nexus and too worried about what General Durek and FCON would do to them (whether Gnox wanted Durek to or not) that they have so far left Gnox alone.

   Did the Gnoxians worship gods?

Over the course of their history many Gnoxian cultures did have pantheons of gods. Others were more animistic, believing mystical forces (analogous to the primal powers) controlled their destiny. The philosophy that has emerged as dominant most recently is the Way of Stone.

   What was Gnox's geography like?

As one might expect, extremely mountainous and rocky for the most part with typical temperature variations at the poles and equator. Primal-earth-based analogs of many animals and plants have evolved there, but generally only in sparse clusters separated by rocky steppes and the occassional salty, shallow sea. These seas are vast in width, but are usually only a few meters deep at most. For this reason, very few aquatic species are native to Gnox.

The frequently turbulent weather on Gnox has caused most everything else to evolve into shapes as solid, sturdy, and relatively squat as possible. Even their trees are not much taller than the average Granok.

Despite the efforts of Granok clerics, some non-native life has taken hold in a few places. So far they only consist of mutated cactoids, some hardscrabble groundcover vegetation, and salt-loving algae species.

   Did Gnox have any sattilites? Moons, rings, and the like.

Gnox has a few moons and a dense, rocky ring around the equator far denser than the Halon Ring orbiting Nexus. I'll have to get back to you on the moon names.

   Did the Way of Stone include a clergy class? If so, what kind of duties did they perform?

For probably obvious reasons we've developed more background lore for the Granok mercs featured in the game, so I won't lie - we have not spelled out a lot of the duties of Gnoxian clerics, though they definitely had rituals and the like (and as stated earlier, they had more than one belief system in ancient times so these might have varied wildly). That said, I can tell you that they would even then have likely involved heavy use of ritual ales and brews, along with social gatherings devoted to same.

Just because they didn't want to fly spaceships didn't mean they stopped being Granok. Wink

   What kind of technology did the Granok have pre-Gnox war?

Very limited. Medieval Earth, or thereabouts.

   Of special interest, did they have gunpowder or some equivalent?

Sure! Very useful for demolition. Derived from primal fire and primal earth elements. Simple stuff.

   We seem mentions of war machines; in my mind those are crude catapults/trebuchets but they could be more modern age tanks too depending on the tech level.

Nope, your initial thoughts are closer. Nothing as high-tech as tanks.

   We see extreme sexual dimorphism in Granok. Did that extend to societal roles on Gnox?

Appearance-wise, that's all down to evolution - proto-Granok males liked the way -proto-Granok females looked, and vice versa, so they got to look more and more that way over time.

In terms of societal roles, Granok society on Gnox and in the Exile fleet is very egalitarian and always has been. Also, it should be noted that implying a Granok woman can't do what a Granok man can do (or, again, vice versa) is a great way to get a sock in the jaw.

   The timeline entry mentions the Seven Nations on Gnox. What were these nations? Were they friendly with each other? How did they decide who took the role of chieftain?

Save this for a future AMA with Pappy. Smile (Which is to say I am not certain and don't have that info handy. Honestly we probably didn't name them all yet.)

   How did the Gnoxians handle war?

The same way they do now - but with the tech level we've been discussing so far, on a smaller scale, and only nation vs. nation.

   How did the Gnoxians handle death?

Aha! This one I have a lore doc entry for.

"Funerals are one of the few solemn events that take place within a hold. After laying the deceased into the ground, the chieftain will tell of the day when they took the oath, and of their exploits both in the bar and in battle. At the conclusion of this solemn occasion, the chieftain will often call a casking to honor the fallen dead."

A casking is pretty much a huge, culturally significant kegger that can be called for almost any celebratory observation.

   After leaving Gnox, what kind of changes did the Granok make to adapt to being spacers?

Turns out, they're built really well for it thanks evolving on the turbulent surface of Gnox. Mostly they just needed bigger spacesuits.

   How do Granok spacers care for non-combatants?

Not sure I get your meaning.

   How did other species react to Granok spacers suddenly appearing on the scene?

Most initially just saw them as another alien species, if they didn't know the Granok's reputation. They joined up with the Exiles pretty much right at the outset, so their identity is also largely tied to how that faction's perceived.

   Some non-Granok questions. * Does Mechari programming limit their free will? Can they defect from the Dominion (for example, to join CoGS)?

I am honestly not certain if we've put Mechari in CoGS or not - but no, there's no default programming like this. There could be specific safeguards put in place if needed, required, or requested, however.

   How do the Freebots and Mechari typically interact? We've seen ICI Mechari reprogramming freebots to be violent in Exile quests; is that a typical interaction or an edge case?

The Mechari see the Freebots more or less as mere malfunctioning machines that can be used to further the purposes of the empire, but that can otherwise be ignored unless they're in the way. Without a significant revelatory experience in which the Eldan returned and told them the Freebots were their siblings, no Mechari would ever look upon a Freebot as any sort of equal.

   How do our space helmets work? There doesn't seem to be an O2 tank, so how do they supply breathable air? Can they last indefinitely?

This one's answered up above.

   I know that the primary reason not all classes are available to all races is technical, lack of animations and the like. Is there a lore reason for some of these? For example, Granok cannot play either of the magic using classes; can we surmise that Granok in general cannot use magic for now? Same deal for Mechari. Is it fair to say Chua aren't able to be Stalkers or Warriors due to a lack of muscle necessary for the classes?

Your assumptions about the lore reasons are pretty solid. Both Mechari and Granok have trouble with certain aspects of manipulating primal energy, for example.

You're right about technical reasons, but also it adds to replay value and in making each race distinct.

   Less a question and more a request for clarification. Am I correct in surmising there are two grades of exanite? There seems to be a lower grade that is more common, used for things like Mechari soulcores and in Settler project (using a material named something like malleable exanite I think?). Then there seems to be the golden stuff Drusera and the Eldan used to fight off and imprison the Strain. Lore states that this type is extremely light, anti-strain, and too hard for Exile/Dominion tools to mine. Is this correct, or am I missing something?

Correct. The exanite used to forge the walls of Grimvault are absolutely pure. All exanite mined and used by galactic civilization has varying levels of impurities that cause variations on power, color, and usefulness.

   The Draken are my other favorite race aside from Aurin, so I figured I'd ask a few questions regarding them if you got the time!

   The Draken relationships are something I haven't been able to find much on (maybe I'm looking in the wrong places) but it seems two strong individuals would be well suited for each other. My question is are all relationships dictated by the Clanlord or do Draken see the need for such "lovey" stuff?

Most Draken are fiercely passionate people, and whether the battlefield is literal or romantic Draken relationships are driven by that inner fire. Their myths, beliefs, and personal lives are matters for which they will fight, kill, or die (depending on the circumstances). That goes hand in battle-blade with strong cultural traditions when it comes to permanent romantic bonds. A few clans still arrange bloodpacts when those bound are still children, but since becoming part of the Dominion it is far more common for Draken to form bloodpacts according to their hearts rather than their clanlord's wishes. Whatever the motivation, however, once such bonds are forged they are considered sacred.

   I see it a bit like the Klingon where they love their mutual love of the fight moreso than anything else, but I was curious to know what the restrictions were. If one Clan member falls for another, do they join a separate clan or is it used to form two Clans together?

If the clans are not at war, the couple is usually considered to be part of both clans - making bloodpacts additive, not reductive, in that way. If the clans are in conflict, however, married Draken who won't choose one clan or the other will be pressured by other clanmembers to choose. If they will not, it is the right of the clanlord to demand a blood challenge or even execution by combat.

To be honest Draken culture might sometimes best be described as "warlord Shakespearian." (Lots of plotting and backstabbing and honor and romance and WAR and duels and plotting and honor and WAR and... that kind of thing. I'unno, I just made it up. Smile)

   What are the odds of "independent" Draken? I know that they mostly have their clans and everything but I was wondering how often/frequent Draken might be on their own in society as hunters.

It's not impossible, but it's not common. Draken culture is very close-knit in many ways - they are not still not a huge population within the Dominion, as they only live in the inhabitable twilight ring of Mikros. That means anyone who abandons their loyalty to the emperor - loyalty sworn long ago to Azrion the Conqueror on behalf of all Draken - is considered a pariah.

   Does the "bloodlust" ever calm? Like say for example as the Draken get older (or as old as a race driven constantly to battle can get) do they calm down a bit or is it just 100% WARGH until they die?

As seen by Clanlord Makaza in Deradune, age can certainly temper the constant rage of a Draken, at least when at rest. And at any age, even the most powerful predators spend downtime so they can prepare for the fight.

Draken also relax by participating in usually non-lethal gladiatorial combat, competitive small-scale tactical wargames, and hunting challenges against each other and against the strongest prey.

It's like that section from World War Z (Mark Hamill read it in the audio book) about "total war." Not even a Draken can be "total bloodlust" all the time.

   I know we don't have kids in Wildstar, but were the Draken to have children what are their societies typically depicted as? Would it be a communal raising of the kids or something like a Lion Pack? Or is that also dictated by a Clan Lord?

Draken families are fairly traditional. Both parents would raise children to the hunt, in the style of Draken. Sometimes a child wil truly disappoint, and in such extreme cases familiar violence could result. But like the fiercest predators they usually love their children and will sometimes even might bend their beliefs for them.

   I guess a really good extra question is in general, just how much power does a Clan Lord have? I imagine them a bit similar to a shogun. Can they control every aspect of their clan or is it a mutual respect in the Draken (Or a case by case basis).

That's not a bad comparison. He has the power to lead, but he must also have the respect of those he leads. It's one of the reasons the Draken assimilated so well into the Dominion - they are predisposed to follow singular leaders if they have reason to do so, and with one notable exception the Luminai emperors have proven worthy of that respect.

   If a young Draken had no clan, what are the odds of him getting accepted into one? Is it only based on trial of power/skill or is it also other factors?

Such "wolfling" Draken would be exceedingly rare, but it can happen. Indeed, in pre-Dominion times they might have been killed on sight. Today they would simply be rejected outright unless under extreme circumstances. A rogue Draken who saved a clanlord's people from disaster, or who (better yet) slew that clanlord and took his throne (extremely unlikely, but it's still the plot of a famous Draken epic) might have better luck but they're so rare as to be literally mythical.

   Mkay! I'll stop rambling about Draken for a few and try to give you time to read over my mess of grammar.

It was fine! I just hope I didn't contradict myself in any of these.

   Also, about rogue Draken - I'm asking the following questions from a roleplayer's perspective, trying to give people viable backstories for their fresh Draken chars:

   I would assume that many of the Draken that came to Nexus would have left their clan behind on Mikros. That doesn't make them completely rogue, but still a lone wolf - or would they only have come over as a whole clan? A new Draken player needs to start somewhere, so so far, we were assuming the Draken we play were the only one's of their respective clan to join the expedition to Nexus. Any thoughts on that?

Not all clans have traveled to Nexus in their entirety. It is possible and allowed to remain part of your clan even when far away, especially with so many Draken serving in the Dominion military.

   How likely/possible is it for a Draken to switch into another Clan (...because their original Clan is on Mikros, for example)?

This could be done if the clanlords agree and a bloodshaman officiates. There is nothing to prevent a Draken from leaving his clan and joining another one, but many clans consider this act unworthy of a Draken.

   How would Draken go about forming a new clan?

If a clan is dying out, or if a group of Draken are cast out of their clan, or even if simply stranded, Draken may choose a new clanlord and a now clan.

   How would Draken regard a Draken who is the sole survivor of his own clan's demise? Would they pity him, or despise him for not dying with the rest of them?

It is not considered honorable to be the last of your clan. They're both pitied and alternately despised by other Draken. But in most cases such a Draken would eventually find work or a home - or go into solo merc-ing.

   How much Eldan blood do the Luminai Scions actually have? Do all of them look like Luminai or do some of them look more Cassian like?

The Scions, specifically, are the first-generation children of Dominus and his empress Olyssia Zin. One, Azrion, served as an emperor himself, and each one is also associated with a Vigilant Virtue. They include:

-Azrion the Conqueror (the firstborn son of Dominus)

-Tristan the Valiant (patron saint of the Sword-Maidens)

-Bronos the Just (the brother whom the rest turned to for a fair hearing)

-Galen the Adept (helped found the Royal Collegium)

-Evindra the Righteous (longest-lived of the Scions)

-Korol the Devout (whose writings form much of the Vigilant Codex)

All Luminai who fit the genetic profile look more or less like Vaelen, seen in Deradune, though their appearance is on a spectrum of course. The highborn Cassians are now too distant from that heritage (due to the Ancestral Decree) to show such strong physical features.

   How is the average Mechari considered society ranking wise?

All are citizens of the Dominion (with a few noteworthy exceptions), with all that entails; many hold positions of high office such as Axis Pheydra. They are respected, admired, and sometimes feared.

   What exactly does a Vigilant Church inquisitor do?

Aha! I just realized I didn't write an archive entry for them. Here's what we've got in our Vigilant Church lore.

"The Inquisitor faction is responsible for ensuring the piety and devotion of the church's flock, serving as the punitive hammer when gross infractions are committed. As all Exile citizens were long ago labeled heretics by the church, many of them have felt the wrath of the Inquisitors. Inquisitors are generally feared by most people in the Dominion, including the other factions within the church."

In many ways they could be seen as the opposite side of a the Exile Judges coin. They are both positions which began as means for determining the legal (sometimes holy) truth, but those positions have in gotten far more direct - making them judge, jury, inquisitor, executioner... or all of the above.

   I've seen Granok with pieces of their head missing, how does their memory work, and can they 'regrow' their stony hide?

Granok medical science can help with transplanted living rock taken from donors, but most Granok choose to wear such battle scars with pride (even if they're not really "battle" scars, but scars earned while stumbling off a starship loading ramp after a few dozen Granok-strength ales).

Granok are essentially a primal-earth-based (what we might call "silicon-based") life forms. They possess analogs of bones, circulatory systems, nervous systems, and the like. But somewhere along the line, evolution forces pushed the center of their nervous systems - the brain, for all intents and purposes - down closer to where the heart is located. This means Granok can easily lose hunks of their head without losing much in the way of smarts.

   Mechari eat/drink/sleep to maintain their energy, but would they be able to live of actual power, maybe though Eldan power conductors or something?

Absolutely. Eating and drinking are essentially alternate sources of energy for the Mechari, not a vital nutritional requirement.

   How prevalent is proper Grammar for Chua? Is Mondo the only one who has his Mordin Solus type of speech?

Mondo is very, very fondo of Mondo, but this speaking quirk is for the most part unique to him (though a few admirers of his have adopted it, which he finds incredibly annoying and explode-worthy). The generally stunted grammar more common to all Chua is a result of their brains going so quickly that their mouths can't keep up. This is also why a Chua who is not in hyper-think mode (not an official lore term) can sometimes speak with more complete grammar.

   I've asked Pappy about the first one in a tweet before, and he stated that Espers and Spellslingers have to be born with their powers.

But they do still need to be trained, even if they have the raw ability.

   Oh, and regarding space helmets...Do Mechari actually... like... need them? I know there's a dead mechari floating around in the ship during Deep Space Exploration, and I know Mechari can drown... but is it breathing? Are we just asphyxiating to be polite?

The processes by which the Mechari maintain their sense of self, the "souls" in their soul cores, require the presence of certain essential gasses to continue functioning (certain aspects of primal air, if you will) including what we'd call oxygen. They can last a lot longer than most organics, but they will begin to lose their higher functions and essentially go into shutdown if necessary. This sort of asphyxiation can actually cause permanent damage to the personality within the soul core, rendering it effectively brain dead.

Mechari who suffer this fate - which is rare - are usually simply recycled into new chassis for new Mechari. It's pragmatic, and the materials which go into making a Mechari are expensive. But should it happen to a Millennial that might be reconsidered.

Why is a space helmet necessary if my ears pop out of it?

Space "helmets" actually use a force field to protect the user from suffocation. These force fields extend a very thin protective shell around any head-parts that may stick out through the helmet that ensures the seal remains intact and protects from variations in temperature. This shell is too thin to be seen by the naked eye.

Why do all female Aurin and Mordesh have five fingers and four toes, when their male counterparts have five of each?

Evolution. The females of each species have vestigial fifth toes for reasons lost to prehistoric natural selection, although many scientists believe that A) males retained the fifth toes for primitive mating displays in the ancient past and B) this means there could be an extremely distant genetic link between the Mordesh and the Aurin. It's a pretty old galaxy, after all, and who's to say how various life forms came to arise on their various homeworlds?

Still, since it's a theory revolving around pinky toes, many other scientists don't necessarily take the second hypothesis all that seriously.

Why do almost all elementals have a kind of halo of stone, except the earth elemental?

While the reason the artists went with that are, I'm sure, aesthetic, lore-wise I'd say that Primal Earth is the densest of the primal elements (primal powers consist of primal elements - earth, fire, air, and water - plus the primal forces Logic and Life) and therefore this density simply prevents the halo effect from emerging.

They're just more... down to earth.

How do veggies work?

They don't, the freeloaders.

There are wild varieties and domesticated varieties (the latter can be found on the Exile arkship when you're helping Queen Myala). Yes, the Aurin raise sentient vegetables, and many Aurin are vegetarians descended from predators. Make of that what you will.

Here are is an excerpt from the Galactic Archive article for Veggies:

"I'm your Veggie girl You're in my Veggie world I need a Veggie boy To buy me lots of toys

It is a Veggie day Now Veggie's here to stay I love my Veggie friends Now sing it all again

Veggie Veggie Veggie Veggie Veggie friends Veggies Veggies Veggies come around again Veggie Veggie Veggie Veggie Veggies sing All the love and happiness that Veggies bring" - Lyrics from "Veggie Friends" by the popular Aurin troubador Cylia Mildroot

Do the Eldan acknowledge what we know as the periodic table when all their science seems to be based off of the classical elements?

No, Eldan science is based on a completely different system of understanding, which led them (and most of the rest of the inhabitants of this universe) to discovering and learning to use the primal powers. They would, of course, break down different aspects of these powers to create, destroy, and affect other aspects, but in the sense I think you're asking, not really.

That said, since all text in this game has been "translated" into our Earth languages, some of the basic elements such as iron, copper, gold, and the like are referred to by their familiar names. But to educated denizens of the WildStar universe (from the Eldan on down) these would be understood as different aspects of primal Earth, for example.

How did the Aurin (or really any race) initially communicate with their newfound alien comrades?

Science in WildStar is advanced enough that most datachrons employ the equivalent of universal translation software that can generally facilitate communication with even the most primitive species. It does start to break down when dealing with a proto-language such as that spoken by the Skeech.

Fun WildStar Style Guide fact! (Because editing is cool, right?) In WildStar, only the names of fully sentient species (Lopp, Aurin, Skeech) are capitalized, while animal-intelligence creatures (dagun, pumera, snoglug) are lower case. The rule for deciding sentience is whether a creature speaks in a way that can be understood in-game. The Skeech just barely qualify. As do Veggies. (Note: "human" is an exception to this rule that was grandfathered in because it, y'know, it already has its own intrinsic style rules.)

What were some of the most fashionable style of facial hairs for Aurin before the style went taboo?

When reached for comment, a source close to the Aurin queen speaking on conditions of anonymity said, "We do not discuss it with outsiders." She then continued to sip her spirowine with an icy deliberation that made this reporter extremely uncomfortable.

Is Drusera's projection static, or could she disguise herself?

When reached for comment, a source close to Drusera speaking on conditions of anonymity said, "I do not discuss it with outsiders." She then hovered in uncomfortable silence before shrugging and fading into the moonlight.

That said, Drusera is the Genesis Prime, and her powers are pretty vast and extraordinary. If she wished to appear differently and wanted to expend the energy, I have no doubt she could. For whatever reason, she is content to use this familiar form... as far as we know.

P.S. I'm purposely avoiding World Story spoilers in this explanation.

How do falkrin fly so well with no tails?

Their internal physiology contains a unique vascular system which distributes gasses and internal fluids in such a way as to make the need for an external steering appendage unnecessary. Murgh never evolved this system and can therefore only make short hops with their stubby wings.

What's grumple civilization like? How's their homeworld? They seem pretty swell.

The Grumpel are a swell bunch. From the official wiki (derived from the Galactic Archives):

"The Grumpel are a curious and friendly starfaring race, whose unusual physiology endow them with a passion for gossip. Grumpel do not merely enjoy gossip as a social pastime; when interacting with other species, they are able to empathically receive the thrilling sensations associated with gossip, which in turn gives rise to their own sense of pleasure and enjoyment. As a result, Grumpel culture has evolved around the collection of gossip and the stimulation it provides.

Every day, more and more Grumpel venture away from their homeworld in search of ever more sensational news. "

You'll note the homeworld isn't named, and unfortunately I am not in the office where I can access the official lore doc - but I'll try to remember to track it down.

Are kurg a typically a promiscuous species? How do the Lopp stop them from humping everything in sight?

When reached for comment, a source close to Marshal Yatish speaking on conditions of anonymity said, "We do not discuss it with outsiders." He then cocked his pistols and aimed them in uncomfortable silence until this reporter backed away slowly all the way to Thayd.

What do rootbrutes/veggies/stemdragons/etc look like at a cellular level? Do they have a cell fence?

Sure! Cells are still a thing. It's the way a scientist in-game might describe it that's different, terminology-wise.

Why do Giants look like Aurin?

Yeah, funny, that. And in at least some areas they seem to be connected to statuary that resembles a lot of Aurin iconography. It is not something that has gone unnoticed by Aurin naturalists or xenobiologists, but so far the reasons for this resemblance are not understood.

Yo. Primevals?

Word. Wait, what?

How ... are jabbits native to so many planets? were the Eldan spreading this jaguar/rabbit hybrid all over the galaxy for poops 'n ha-has?'

Jabbits, like a few other critter species on Nexus, are small enough and fecund enough to easily hitch rides on starships, escape onto other planets where their versatility is an asset, and do what small critters often do best - make more small critters!

Do wing-aurin have bones in their "ears"?

Nope, that's cartilage.


You mean the primal echoes?

Are the void beings in the Creepy Cave skyplot hook from the same Void spellslingers draw from, or are they unrelated? Additionally, are there any fun tidbits of info you might be willing to share regarding the Void, and how spellslingers harness it for their magic?

There is a connection between those creatures and the Void that spellslingers use. I think the previous we delved into more about how spellslingers contact the Void in the previous lore-fest.

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Infos lore en vrac ! Empty Re: Infos lore en vrac !

Message par Alekzei 11.10.15 11:30

C'est pas finiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !

the slow-mo split-apart-bullet-chill from the fantastic relaunch trailer got me wondering. What are spellslinger bullets made of if anything? Are the primal magic based attacks using a projectile at all or is it just an act of will from the SS? Are there special "magical" ingredients within the spell-attack bullets? I love the idea of a Spellslinger prepping bullets around a campfire with special reagents for each kind.

Spellslinger "bullets" are made of a little nanotech self-organizing matter, raw energy from the Void, and focused primal power. The first is a mechanical function of the weapon, and it makes all Spellslinger shots able to become whatever type of "bullet" they need to be. The latter two require innate ability and disciplined training, respectively.

I also love that idea of Spellslingers prepping their ammo around a fire - maybe they salt each mix of nanotech to make their own special blend - and while I don't really see us working that into Spellslinger gameplay soon I think you could consider it approved for RP purposes. Smile

How do draken blood rites work? Can bloodshaman invoke the spirits of the dead (or primal echoes, or whatnot) at will, ala the 'Fights of Passage' quest in Deradune? What other zany mystic powers do they have?

I remember this question! If you didn't come back I was going to try and get to it eventually.

The bloodshamans have learned how to use the blood - or in some cases, bones or other body parts - to contact primal echoes of their ancestors (what they call spirits of the dead - just another name for the same phenomenon). Unlike the randomly created, wild and dangerous entities sometimes encountered in the spookier corners of Nexus, these spirits - thanks to the bloodshaman's power - are able to maintain their composure and remember who they were, for the most part.

But bloodshamans can do a lot more than that. They can use the power of blood to heal or wound, to draw the very life energy from a living being and reduce them to crawling shambles. They can save those on the brink of death by infusing this spirit energy into their bodies, if the dying is worthy of the honor.

They can also prepare an army - or a force of any size, really - for battle by sharing the strength of the entire clan with the warriors going into the fight. This usually does not require a deadly sacrifice (though in the ancient past, it usually did - often someone of clanlord's blood) but does require blood from all members of the clan, which the bloodshamans then use to bestow this red blessing on the Draken forces.

Much of the above is still seen within Dominion military dominated by the Draken. It is tolerated by the Vigilant Church (who find it distasteful, if not truly heretical) largely because General Kezrek Warbringer has proven to be such an effective leader

Someone said canonically, Aurins are marsupials?

Well, when a matria and a consort love each other very much...

We don't often get into the biological specifics of the player races (though I guess I have been doing it a lot in the last week or two) but yes, the Aurin have some physiological similarities to the mammals we on Earth call "marsupials." This in no way means that every marsupial trait of every marsupial on Earth appears in the Aurin, as some wiseacres would have us believe. Smile

However, the process of birth, weaning, and infancy in Aurin still have some hereditary commonalities with their pseudo-marsupial ancestors. Newborn Aurin cannot survive on their own, so Aurin mothers remain in nurseries with them until they are old enough to be separated from them. This period is usually less than a week. Aurin consider their "awakening day" (i.e., the day their eyes open - usually 7 days after birth) to be the true beginning of their lives.

And that is going to be my last answer about marsupial Aurin. Hope you liked it! Smile

The new draken cultural costumes - is it seen as not right by draken when exile races wear them in-game? It's their cultural history, so I've had people tell me that they feel that a draken seeing an aurin wearing traditional draken cultural clothes would be seen as cultural appropriation. Is this true?

I imagine most Draken would find that to be an affront, though I can't say whether individual Draken players would. Smile

Of course, technically speaking those costumes aren't "recognized" by Draken NPCs in-game or anything like that - but if you wanted to RP that way I'd consider that totally valid, lore-wise.

We see the Dominion doing a lot of mean things to the Exiles. What are some mean or awful things the Exiles have done to the Dominion?

What the Dominion sees as terrorism, essentially - sneak attacks, targeting non-military structures, even dismantling Mechari. And at the start of the war, the Cassian rebels (not yet Exiles) plowed a furrow of mega-death through the Cassian navy's fleet, killing thousands and almost causing them to lose control of the empire from lack of ships.

What Exiles might see as mean, many in the Dominion see as forceful and necessary, albeit sometimes regrettable.

Of course, there's also plenty of hate and bile on both sides. They're not nice to each other in general.

AS YOU MAY HAVE SEEN, I'm interested in the day to day lives of the Eldan. I know many of these are answers not meant to be revealed, but...

The biggest thing that's bothered me is, where did they live? Were they, like most scientists, so addicted to advanced caffeinated beverages and stimulants that they didn't sleep? Is there a hidden Eldan City on Nexus? Did they Transmat back home at the end of the workday?
...You probably can't answer this. But... will we be getting an answer at all, at some point?

The Eldan became something nearly immortal a loooong time ago, and as their culture evolved the very concept of "home" as a place away from work or duty became less and less important to them. So you're not far off - they did live their work, in a way. Their recreation largely consisted of discussing, debating, and arguing over the very work that consumed the rest of their days.

But of course they built magnificent structures, and they understood the importance of principles such as home, loyalty, and family to beings like humans. Else Dominus might never have existed.

You definitely haven't seen the end of Eldan discoveries, though. Stay tuned to the World Story!

Two questions, sir lore god!
-Chaul, the Ghost House. Can we find out more about who this seventh Luminai was?
-Also - can you tell us MORE(tm) about Serrick Brightland? His early life, his family, etc?

-In a way, Chaul the Scion has gotten a bad rap through know fault of his own - Chaul is known as the ghost house because it was the house of emperor Vorios the False, the disgraced usurper slain by the current emperor, Myrcalus, to attain the throne. House Chaul's treachery was so thorough that all traces and references to him and his house were removed.

That was inspired in part by the fate of Hatshepsut in ancient Egypt.

-His early iife was't all that unusual. The Brightlands were a respected family who had long served the Dominion with distinction, and the Commonwealth before that. He grew up intending to become a starship captain, and he accomplished just that - and it really helped that he was just damned good at the job. He also had a strong moral code when it came to involving civilians in miliatry conflict after seeing too many innocents die in righteous campaigns against the enemies of the empire.

As for his family, his descendants continued to command the Gambler's Ruin, and with it the Exile fleet, ever since he went into cryo, where he still awaits a miraculous cure that will let him return to the fight against his hated enemy. Such a cure might even be on or around Nexus somewhere. Too bad his last living descendant hasn't been all that concerned about his popsicle ancestor since Nexus was found....

So, Chaul himself was no sleazebag like Caligula-er, Vorios was.

Since the banishment of House Chaul occurred after the founding of the Vigilant Church - what virtue did he represent before he was unpersoned? Smile

Not saying he was, not saying he wasn't. We haven't told his story yet. Wink But the guy who ran his house was such a jerk it got the whole house wiped from the history books.

Which virtue? Well, these shattered datachrons and burned documents are awfully hard to read, so I can't say for sure. But if I had to guess, I'd say something like cunning. But like I said, the datachrons are shattered. If Pappy has one that's in better shape and gives a different answer, go with that one.

-Are there any examples of known heretical cults that currently exist (or have been eradicated) and dealt with by the inquisitors?
-What is the usual method used by the Inquisitors for dealing out their executions? Firing squad? Hanging? Burning?

-There have been many, often arising among Cassian humans or Draken and dedicated to various beliefs inspired by blending their ancestral myths with the true vision (as an Inquisitor might say) of the Vigilant Church. They often take very dramatic names like the "Vigilant Sons of Tresayne" or "Ravok's Teeth." You can probably guess which Dominion race belongs in which.

It should be noted that simply not being part of the Vigilant Church, while considered by some suspicious (especially when it comes to Cassians), is not a crime or heresy. In fact, even subscribing to the traditional beliefs of your people is not that frowned upon so long as you don't try to say these beliefs override the church or try to blend Vigilant doctrine with your culture's own. But actively teaching things contrary to Vigilant doctrine or which appear to undermine the Eldan's divinity won't be tolerated.

-Most are prone to old-fashioned beheading, which has been traditional for hundreds of years. If a heretic absolutely refuses to recant, immolation by fusion beam is not unheard of. The latter is by far the more painful option.

Why don't we see more scientist Draken? Surely they exist, right? My theory was always that intelligence and success in that form isn't considered as honorable to a high degree as skills in battle and such are in the Draken culture, but?? I dunno! I would love to see more of that.

All pretty much correct. It's not a particularly high-value path for the average Draken. They don't have much interest in science that doesn't improve the hunt or the warrior - but they still respect those who do. And I'd say it's because they had and still have such a deep mystical/shamanic tradition that they feel that way. They simply don't see the need for learning things via some alien idea of "science" when they have the primal connections of blood and fire - and can do so many things via that understanding.

Did Grismara have sports? In fact, do any of the races we see in game have traditional sports and such?

Of course! They favored more "courtly" sports between just a few people like golf or tennis rather than massive team vs. team pseudo-warfare like football. Many other species do to, although depending on the species the "sport" might be fairly deadly (lookin' at you, Draken).

The Ekose- created sport of vindball has been popular for some time among many cultures, although it's hard to catch a game on Nexus since the war heated up there. And everyone loves a good hoverboard race. Rumor has it some might be starting up on Nexus really soon...

What types of music was popular in Grismaran culture? Was hip hop a thing, or was it all just classical and opera and such?

"Modern Mordesh music is generally emotional, stylistically diverse, and very popular with students of all species. Pre-Contagion music is largely instrumental or operatic, played on acoustic instruments that filled the vast concert halls and amphitheaters of Grismara with epic stories and sweeping chorales. Once their society collapsed, the surviving Mordesh favored sad, mournful ballads for small audiences. Since arriving on Nexus, many Mordesh have begun to experiment with new electronic and primal musical forms inspired by their new homes such as the Alchemical Romantic movement, Classic Lazarock, and the Resurrection Blues."

How do Mechari develop their personalities? I've always been sort of confused by how it works. I hear that when created the Exanite carries that personality but is it pre chosen for them? Or?
Most importantly - can we please get some height guidelines for all races, male and female? There's a lot of confusion in the community.

This image isn't far off (it's not mine, you can tell by the spelling of "Humain"). I thought we had an official height chart somewhere, when I'm back in the office I'll see what I can find.

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Infos lore en vrac ! Empty Re: Infos lore en vrac !

Message par Alekzei 11.10.15 11:47

Ai-je dit que c'était fini ?

What kinds of music exist in the Wildstar universe? Are there kinds of music that particular races prefer? More importantly: are there rappers?

"Both kinds. Country and Western!" Ask your grandparents about that joke.

In many ways the themes of the various races you hear in-game are, if not always literally indicative of the Top 40 hits on their homeworld (those that have homeworlds), certainly indicative of the general cultural style of music they enjoy. Really, if it's the kind of music that seems appropriate for the species, at least some members of that species are probably really into it.

For example, if you saw the original "Meet the Dominion" video back in the day, you totally heard some classical Cassian music which is still very popular with the highborn and fits right in with their personality. (Note: this video was released before we announced the Chua.)

How do the various species of Wildstar view inter-species relationships? (ex. Mordesh/Aurin, Draken/Human, Mechari/Chua)

While the science does not exist for children to arise from such relationships (it took even the Eldan a lot of work to create Dominus, for example), they are not necessarily frowned upon among Exile cultures - even if they are unusual (because of the biological aspect). Aurin would be cool with it, as would Exile humans and definitely Granok (have you met Krag Studrock?). Mordesh keep to themselves for their sake and the sake of others, but certainly are capable of forming emotional bonds.

The Dominion, as you might expect, doesn't look upon the idea as kindly as the Exiles, but the ones most likely to accept it are Cassians. Cassian/Draken and Cassian/Mechari relationships are not unheard of. Even Mechari/Draken hookups have happened, and some have turned into huge, tragic romances celebrated in Draken epic poems.

But the Chua? Yeah, they're only interested in Chua. Don't even try.

How does Aurin culture view those who are outside the gender binary? Can somebody who is Weave-sensitive but doesn't identify as female be a Matria?

This is an excellent question and one I almost touched upon in my earlier answer about matrias. But frankly, it's a topic I don't want to treat lightly, so I chickened out. Let me unchicken: yes, absolutely, a Weave-sensitive female-identifying Aurin could, if she was able to meet the requirements and had the raw ability, become a matria. No question. Is it common? No. But definitely something that can happen.

EDIT: What was the social class structure like on Grismara? I imagine it to be a lot like Victorian-era England, with a large divide between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots'. Is that accurate?

Somewhat Victorian, in class structure, certainly, but this was largely cultural rather than economic. There was not a great deal of poverty or terrible working conditions. The hardest labor (as on many worlds) was handled by bots, so even the relatively poorest Mordesh would find the opportunity to follow their dreams, provided they had the ability to reach them.

Thank you so much for everything you tell us, the RP community gives you a biiiiig hug!

Back at you. We the RPers!

Back when Mordesh believed in Kemos, what did they believe happened to people after death? How long was it between the start of the Contagion and when the exiles managed to smuggle them from Grismara through the Dominion barricade?

The Mordesh had a conception of a morally neutral afterlife which was still finite - the idea was the living energy of the body was gradually drawn back into life itself, soon to be shared in a sort of life remix by the next generation. Not resurrection, exactly. More like getting reduced to the component parts of a soul.

I just looked up that Mordesh question for someone on Twitter. Let me find it... okay, can't find it, and I don't have the timeline here at my home office. But I'm almost positive it was 17 years or so. 17 very harrowing and unpleasant years.

What were Mordesh funerals like pre-contagion? What is the Mordesh view on Shades Eve, do they celebrate their own version of it?

Most Mordesh practiced above-ground burial in family crypts. This changed when the Long Night began, and suddenly cremation got very popular. From the Mordesh lore doc:

"Mordesh funerals always involve burning the remains of the deceased on a community pyre which often sits on the periphery of the enclave. A speaker resides over the funeral, saying a few words about the deceased before throwing a torch on the pyre."

Although it's spread to many cultures thanks to the power of the Dominion and the centrality of humans to the Empire, it is still considered a Cassian-human-centered holiday even by those non-humans who celebrate it. The Mordesh have their own holiday observances. They tend to find the story of the Shades plague and the Angel to be a quaint children's story. You know that meme where JK Rowling is sad about killing a few side characters and GRR Martin comes along and is all, "That's cute"? The Mordesh are like Martin in this case.

Is the holocrypt voice part of the body reconstructing technology, or is hearing that voice after being raised something more mystical than scientific?

The second one. The reason people near the holo-crypt aren't constantly inundated with the dark comedy stylings of the Gravekeeper (unofficial name that came out of the last thread and forgive me, I can't remember who coined it) is that his (its?) commentary is a last little bit of personal psychic payback delivered to the being that made him have to go through all this trouble once again. He (yeah, I think he's a he) has been on Nexus a loooooong time, and has a lot of issues to work out.

We have some evidence that lowborn outside of Nexus were treated like peasants/ect. As someone who RPs a lowborn, I have often had lore discussion with my friends about how they were/are treated. Some people say Lowborns had many rights and lived in relative luxury on Cassus and in Nexus, but from the in-game evidence we've seen, they seem to be downtrodden and sometimes even 'belong' to highborn families. How badly were/are lowborn treated by highborn? What historical examples in our world might you compare their situation to?

On Cassus, where the seat of government for the Dominion rested for centuries, the lowborn were very well off, and the split was more about class and associations. There are/were definitely prejudices from both groups about the other, some fair, some not.

On Nexus, far from the heart of the Empire, some highborn are abusing their remote power and treating lowborn worse than they would on Cassus. Latent cultural assumptions about "those people" (again, on both sides of the divide) have grown stronger and more ingrained. It's not hard to imagine a revolt or two coming down the line, at least on Nexus, if some highborn continue to behave as they do. Still, even on Nexus for the most part lowborn Cassians are loyal to the Dominion and proud to serve. They may not have Eldan blood, but they're still part of a people who were chosen to rule the galaxy.

The best historical analog I can think of - and it's largely based on historical fiction - is the Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars as depicted by authors like O'Brian and Forester. The class divide is there, but everyone's still stuck together and need to rely on each other to survive. Those who can't get along are probably eventually doomed.

Do Aurin have any particularly unique uses for their ears? We know their tails are all prehensile, but what about their widely varying ears?

They're pretty much for hearing, although that can extend into vary levels of skill at echolocation. The different ears originally evolved in different types of forests environments, though since they left Arboria those different ears are just part of the genetic mix.

Are Aurin or Mordesh males' fifth toes still seen as "special" for mating rituals, or has that practice long since died out?

This would be something that, evolutionary speaking, is in the distant past for both species. It's a "what was that appendix for, anyway?" sort of question.

One of the Ikthian journals in-game mentions that Granok DNA carries hints of previous intelligent engineering, a la Eldan-style. Were the Granok really modified by an outside civilization eons ago?

Well, the Ikthians seem to think someone might have. But they're just one species of hyperadvanced fish-faced science aliens, what do they know?

What's a Granok wedding like? Do they have a divorce process?

I figure a Granok divorce is usually a mutual separation - and if it's not, they'll fight until it is.

As for other Granok cultural traditions, here's what we've got in one of the lore docs which might be of interest to you:

"Rituals of the Hold

There are a number of rituals associated with most holds:

Caskings: Caskings are an ancient Granok tradition—prolonged drinking binges that follow momentous events, such as victories on the battlefield, or the forging of new alliances. Caskings are started by the chieftain of the hold, who "cracks the cask" by filling his largest, finest mug to the brim and finishing it with an impressive chug.

Bracings: Granok marriages are known as bracings, and are presided over by the hold's chieftain. During the ceremony, the participants give each other finely crafted necklaces that are rarely taken off. Bracings are usually followed by a casking to celebrate the occasion.

Funerals: Funerals are one of the few solemn events that take place within a hold. After laying the deceased into the ground, the chieftain will tell of the day when they took the oath, and of their exploits both in the bar and in battle. At the conclusion of this solemn occasion, the chieftain will often call a casking to honor the fallen dead.

Taking the Oath: When someone wants to join a Free Company, they must first "take the oath." Sergeants usually preside over this ceremony. Afterwards, the chieftain will call a casking to celebrate the Company's new addition."

How common are interracial relationships in the Exiles and/or Dominion? A journal mentions that there's been more than one Mechari/Cassian marriage, so I assume it's not unheard of.

I addressed this upthread a ways. Basically, there are varying levels of acceptance, it's rare but not completely unheard of, except Chua are only down with other Chua.

Are there exiled Granok who still secretly keep to the Way of Stone?

Almost certainly, although if they are mercs they are doing a terrible job of it. And there are definitely merc companies that have decided to go rogue rather than join up with the Exiles, like...er... dammit. I know there's at least one group and their names are escaping me. I'll try to remember to look them up Monday.

As it has been confirmed that Veggies are sentient creatures who are able to communicate with exile races, does anyone find it barbaric that the Aurin keep them like herd animals and eat them? I imagine some other Exile races would consider it like eating talking roan. Are the Veggies okay with being raised to be eaten? Do they have their own cultural beliefs (perhaps a religion) that tells them that they should be eaten by the Aurin? Is being eaten a normal part of their lifestyle?

Only the "domesticated" varieties are raised and eaten like this for the most part. It is not without controversy among the Aurin (and other cultures who are all, "Wait, but WHAT?"), but they were descended from predators. And it goes to show that despite their shiny, happy veneer they are not without their dark (or at least practical) sides.

If there are Veggies like the ones in Whitevale who beg not to be eaten, have any Veggies ever tried to hold a court case against the Queen to protest their right to live unthreatened and not killed?

There haven't been, but I kind of want to pitch that idea now. I don't want to make light of it, it's a very strange setup and a very gray moral area. But that would make a hell of an adorable courtroom scene.

Why do Granok love beer so much? Is there some part of their culture or history where beer is important? Or do they just like it because it's good?

It's been a part of their culture forever, like mead with Vikings and tea with the British and Surge soda with grunge rockers of the early '90s (if advertising is to be believed). So there's simply an ingrained element to being a Granok that is centered around these traditions.

Because of their different physiology, they also get a lot more out of their (very, very strong) ale than just a buzz. It's quite nutritious for their living-stone bodies, especially if they are expecting to perform or are recovering from strenuous physical activity like combat. This is why non-Granok should consume Granok ale with caution, however. It's potency is legendary.

And yeah, it's also good. Wink

Can you tell us a little bit more about Highborn politics and the dangers of taking part within them?

It's not a style of politics that would be out of place in Westeros or Renaissance Florence or Caligula's court. Think backstabbing, illicit meetings/affairs, bribes, poisoning, power plays... you know, when you play the game of Cassians you either win or you die. That sort of thing.

Although it has been stated that Highborn are the only ones to take part in the political world and/or hold office in that regard (barring the Luminai, of course), are there retainers or representatives of families that are allowed--say, Mechari--to minge during political exchanges?

Of course! They don't usually serve in the high office itself, but they are full Dominion citizens and can hold many positions within the government. They're usually not taking part in the games of politics simply because they have neither the power nor wealth to do so.

How important a symbol is their sword to a Swordmaiden? Do they have a particular blade that is ceremonially attributed to them, and what is the perception of them if that is lost?

Their sword is very important to them, but they are warriors and understand that weapons can break, and that sometimes the best weapon might be what is at hand (sort of like Jedi and their lightsabers). They choose their swords or, if they are particularly skilled and powerful on the battlefield, will be given the sword of a famous swordmaiden who fell in battle to redeem that swordsister's legacy. A swordmaiden who loses her sword isn't thrown out of the club or anything - not just for something like that, at least - but she will be perceived as less than whole until she finds or forges another.

In regards to the Torine themselves, they are a group of warrior women, but does that only extend to the biological? How would they react toward a two-spirited individual who identifies as a woman regardless of biology?

The Torine, like most denizens of the WildStar universe, care what is in an individual's spirit and self more than what they may appear to be on the outside. If such an individual could pass the necessary tests to attain the role of swordmaiden, they would be welcomed by their new swordsisters.

How do wing-eared aurins hear?

Very well, thank you.

I'll be here all weekend, folks! Please tip the moderation staff. (Seriously, can you do that? They're great.)

Anyway. With ears, it's not the shape of the part you see but the composition of the part you can't. The inner ears of all Aurin start at the base of the ear and then work pretty much as you'd except (even though they're positioned differently from human ears). The wing-ears evolved in a part of Arboria where that shape was particularly conducive to hearing the sounds that those proto-Aurin needed to hear to stay alive.

What do Mechari have against shoes? Sad

It's more about what their feet have against shoes. They'll shred a pair of Chucks just walking across the room.

We know that the Mordesh language is Mordescu but is there names for the languages of the other species? (Me and RP friends of mine just say the Cassians speak 'Cassian' because we're clever)

Pretty much. "Cassian" is the galactic common/lingua franca/trade tongue of the galaxy, too.

I do not believe we have yet identified the original languages for all species - most have been starfaring long enough that they generally speak Cassian in their daily lives.

Since the Mordesh cannot taste anything, has there been any technology that would simulate tastes for them developed, or have they decided that taste is too trivial a matter to work on?

Most would say they consider this trivial as well as insurmountable, but more than a few are still trying to find a solution - because most Mordesh really want to be wrong about the triviality and the insurmountability.

Which came first, the cloning of cubigs or the cloning of Rotostar?

The cloning of Rotostar! Cubigs are a wholly owned genetically engineered proprietary produce of the Protostar Corporation. But don't tell the Cubig Prime.

Why do Mechari eat? Typically robots don't need organic food to survive. And do they sleep?

I think this is answered elsewhere, but basically they can eat food to take in energy, but they can also survive off of different forms of energy. They do often eat and drink in social company, however.

Mechari take regular rest periods - essentially short breaks to literally recharge - but can get by without them if necessary.

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Message par Alekzei 11.10.15 12:01


What's the deal with the really big, rusty robots in Malgrave and Wilderrun? They don't look Eldan.

Good eye. Those are called Megadroids, and there are some Archives and at least one Tales from Beyond the Fringe! about them.

The tl;dr of their deal because the TFBTF is really cool (I can say that because another writer wrote it): They were an ancient mechanical race of extragalactic explorers who discovered Nexus by accident while the Eldan were still there. It did not go well for them.

Random side question if you get time, the different runes and symbols used in all the alien language and interfaces IN game (aka not player UI) are Eldan based or all made by other races? I'd love to get a bit more insight on what they mean/are for if anything in particular. or at least their origin.

That's more or less a universally used alphabet shared by many races. It has commonalities (and was inspired in part by) Eldan text, so there are some visual similarities.

Before you ask: IRL there is unfortunately no one-to-one alphabet equivalency. That text has been created by our super-talented artists, but they did not necessarily know what the text was supposed to be saying - and for practical reasons, those assets are reused in ways that would make that untenable anyway.

...ARE the Freebots and Mechari Siblings? (My Mechari finds them adorable and would like to adopt a few please)

Not except in the sense that they're both artificially created sentient beings. But the circumstances of that sentience are vastly different. The Freebots have no real problem with the Mechari, they're just getting used to being alive in the first place - but most Mechari generally consider them malfunctioning machines. In fact, most Mechari find the idea that Freebots are truly sentient to be highly suspect.

That doesn't mean a Mechari might not want to adopt a few. I don't think we have a Freebot pet yet (hey, someone should request that) but you can do a lot with Freebot plushies. Here's a shot of family Freebot story time from my main Exile's housing plot.

With the Emperor years away from the Dominion's core worlds, who is running the show back on Cassus?

Who indeed?

Many functions of the empire are self-sustaining and don't require the emperor to be physically present. Ministries, organizations, public works, they're all structured well enough to almost run themselves. The Millennials and Luminai ministers who have remained at the court on Cassus are in frequent contact with the emperor (though not, perhaps, as frequent as they claim). But he does guide the goings-on from afar, and also relies on trusted advisers like Axis Pheydra to assist.

But don't forget that Myrcalus has declared Nexus will be the new capital world of the Dominion. In a sense, no one is running the show on Cassus because the most important decisions are being made on Nexus. It's not just their legacy from the Eldan, Nexus is now the heart of the empire by royal decree. Losing to the Exiles is not an option.

Some more questions about Draken, as we're currently building a mighty clan (everyone speak to Drakaar Flamebearer if you're RPing on Jabbit (EU) and are into Draken, btw... whisper, or leave a mail...)
Loremageddon states: "For example: by time-honored tradition, every Draken clanlord chooses the best hunters to serve as his personal guard and trusted advisers. As invariably the best hunters in the clan are female, so are the clanlord's personal guards."
Why is that "invariably"? Are females the better fighters? If so, given that the role of clan lord is determined by strength, proven by combat, why are nearly all of them male?

The best hunters are not always the best warriors. A clanlord must rule with the cunning and wisdom of the hunter while always being ready to employ the strength, honor, and fury of the noble warrior.

It is possible that if I had a chance to edit that Loremageddon entry I'd add a "most" or "many" in there. The idea is that, like lions, Draken females do most of the actual work of hunting and bringing food back to the pride.

Is the "trusted adviser" part always linked to "personal guard", or are there other kinds of advisers too? (male ones, for example)

Yes, there might be male advisers and guards. There are always exceptions. The choices really are pulled from the best regardless of gender. It just so happens that hunting is, for female Draken, something that comes with millennia of pure instinct.

What other roles besides Clanlord, Huntress and Blood shaman are there? especially for males, given that they apparently suck at hunting...?

Warmasters (male or female) serve as the right hand of a clanlord, and is especially active (as the name implies) during times of open war. They personally lead the clanlord's forces when he is not there, and many become clanlords themselves.

Firewalkers (male or female) are elite warriors who train in melee combat atop hot coals, open lava beds, and burning metal. They have few equals on the battlefield, and frequently command small platoons in war.

And of course, many Draken serve in the Dominion military and take ranks with the service.

We've seen the female Clan lord in Celestion, Razen the Preyfinder, being surrounded by a lot of males, giving the impression of a harem. Is that a thing with Draken, Clan Lords having a harem, or just how she rolls?

No, that's pretty much a big bird-flip to the Draken patriarchy. Smile

Why do the High Sentinel and High Priests of the Vigilant Church wear masks? Is there a meaning behind it?
Why do the Luminai wear masks? Are these masks related to the ones worn by the clergy in the Vigilant Church?

Masks have a lot of meaning in Dominion culture, but especially with those who have a connection to the Eldan. The Eldan themselves were said never to venture among their creations without facemasks and encounter suits, therefore those who worshiped them brought that tradition into their own formalized events and modes of dress.

How is the Vigilant Church reacting to discoveries about the Eldan on Nexus? Surely learning that your Gods are literally dead/corrupted could be a blow to the faith. It also shows that the Eldan's disappearance wasn't an ascension to godhood (I think this is what the Vigilant Church believes? I recall reading it somewhere but couldn't pin it down) but rather their destruction by the hands of the Entity/Strain. There is also a Datacube mentioning how the Cassians were chosen by the Eldan for their need to worship something as a deity. Are these findings common knowledge among Dominion citizens? Is the Church or government suppressing it? Wouldn't some believe the Church to be frauds or liars based on these findings?

The real story (once the player uncovers it) behind the Eldan's disappearance is not common knowledge anywhere, lore-wise, except at the highest levels (which for these purposes includes the player). The leaders of the Vigilant Church are still reeling from these discoveries and have so far been slow to act.

Odds are good these questions will be answered.

Heres my big question. How exactly do Aurin age? We know that they don't show traditional signs of aging that any species can really work out (aside from other Aurin, that is), so how would another Aurin be able to tell the age of another?

Aurin age like most other organic beings. They simply don't show as many external signs, largely due to dwelling in regions dense with primal life energy and communing with the Weave. But other signs of age and stress - such as hair color going white - can be clues to an Aurin's age.

Or is the Aurin's age a Chua Gender level secret?

Nah, and in practical terms there's also the fact that we just don't include a lot of fine detail like wrinkles in face options by design.

Why is it that Aurin males are submissive and lead by females rather than the men being the dominant ones that lead females? No other races in the game work like that and no animals do it, so why just Aurin?

That answer may have been a bit tongue-in-cheek, as in "Matria" are "mothers" of the Aurin, and as males they couldn't ever achieve that particular trick. It is primarily just a matter of different types of hormones and physiology that makes females more attuned. Why? That's not clear.

And I'd argue that male Aurin aren't "submissive," necessarily. They are headstrong and impulsive, and they consider themselves strong protectors. But they respect the wisdom and knowledge - and foresight, sometimes literally - that female Aurin and especially the Matrias get from the Weave.

That said this is definitely one species in the game where gender roles are often pretty stridently reinforced. It's another if not dark side to the Aurin, but certainly something that can get morally gray if you're not careful.

L'employé de Carbine étant allé pieuter, c'est terminé pour le moment, mais une autre session de réponses aura lieu dans la journée !

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Message par Eïffy 11.10.15 12:22

Et l'on me dit souvent que "Wildstar n'a pas de Lore"...

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Message par Tao 11.10.15 15:14

Excellent tout ça! Merci Alek! ^^

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Message par Ankou 11.10.15 15:49

Omg, merci Alek ! C'est juste énorme, toutes ces infos !

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Message par Thad'/Zhala 11.10.15 16:25

C'est vraiment génial ! C'est juste dommage que je ne connaisse pas les subtilités de la langue ! Merci Alekzeï pour ce gros gros travail Smile

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Message par Alekzei 13.10.15 23:41

Content que ça serve !
Voilà pour les nouvelles questions que j'ai posé dimanche. Il y en a trois dans le tas qui m'ont été suggérées par d'autres rôlistes d'ici :

-Si je ne me trompe pas, les Mordesh étaient plutôt potes avec le Dominion avant... disons, la très mauvaise idée de Lazarin, alors n'est-il pas possible que certains d'entre eux aient été sur Cassus avant la Contagion ? Des Mordesh qui seraient sains, parce qu'ils n'étaient pas sur Grismara à ce moment et seraient restés loin des autres Mordesh depuis ?

Bien que Grismara était proche de rejoindre le Dominion, les Mordesh n'étaient pas culturellement interessés par les voyages spaciaux avant leur déclin. Leur monde était offrait tout ce dont ils avaient besoin, aussi peu en voyaient l'utilité. Les rares qui se déplaçaient dans l'espace étaient quelques rares ambassadeurs et commerçants, et à cause de leur fort lien avec leurs camarades Grismariens, la plupart d'entre eux sont revenus pour recevoir l'elixir d'éternité de Lazarin.
Il est possible qu'il y ait un Mordesh qui ne soit pas infecté quelqur part, mais si c'est le cas le ou la concerné(e) a encore à se manifester. Et si une telle personne était exposée aux autres Mordesh, elle se ferait certainement infecter immédiatement, avec peu de chances d'y survivre.

-Y a-t-il déjà eu des situations hors Nexus où le Dominion et les Exilés ont eu à coopérer ? (Exemples : raisons commerciales, affaires, survie...)

Il y a la Coalition des Scientifiques Galactiques, un groupe neutre qui existe pour la recherche de connaissance sans les divisions liées aux Factions, mais leur existence est très controversée, et parfois vascillante (même s'ils ne le réalisent pas).
En dehors de ça, il y a certainement eu des aides et des opérations humanitaires où une Faction aidait l'autre, mais uniquement dans des situations extrêmes, et tout en gardant leur absence de confiance l'une envers l'autre. Un vaisseau de civils du Dominion se faisant attaquer par des Maraudeurs accepterait probablement de l'aide des Exilés, même s'il y aurait très vraisemblablement un silence affreusement gênant après coup.

-Dans la mesure où ils sont plus ou moins des cadavres vivants... est-ce que les Mordesh puent ? Si c'est le cas, vu qu'ils sont supposés être plutôt superficiels, se tartinent-ils de parfum ?

Les Alchimistes Mordesh se sont occupés de ça ! Car tu as vu juste, dans leur état "naturel" (tel qu'il est actuellement), ils ne sentent clairement pas la rose. La plupart des Mordesh ajoutent l'une des marques de suppléments alchimiques avec leur Vitalus, faites pour neutraliser les soucis d'odeurs et leur permet d'être frais toute la journée. Des parfums plus traditionnels sont souvent ajoutés pour équilibrer les effluves, mais ils ne sont pas assez forts pour être utilisés seuls.

-La race Draken étant plutôt patriarcale, comment ceux-cis voient l'homosexualité ?

De la même façon que les différentes cultures de WildStar : ça ne les gêne pas. Personne ne se soucie d'avec qui ou de comment tu vis ton amour. Ils s'interessent à ta loyauté, ton honneur, ta force, et -pour les Drakens- de ton dévouement pour le Dominion.

-Comment un Draken devient un Shaman ?

Ils doivent faire preuve d'un grand talent en plus d'un certain intérêt pour leurs rituels, puis prouver à un Shaman de sang qu'ils méritent ce statut via une épreuve choisie par celui-ci. S'ils réussissent et que le Shaman accepte (il n'est pas obligé), ils deviendront alors ses apprentis et s'entraîner jusqu'à atteindre ce poste.

-Tu as répondu à des questions sur les musiques, familiers et sports des races jouables... qu'en est-il des danses ?

Généralement, le style de danse et de performances d'un peuple -hormis les Ikthians (les Ikthians ne dansent pas.)- reflète leur héritage et personnalité culturelle. Les danses Granoks sont de bruyants, pesants et étrangement élégants évènements aux percussions détonnantes qui résultent généralement des collisions intentionnelles des danseurs. Les Mordesh et Cassiens tendent à avoir des variations de danses classiques et formelles Européennes, alors que les Draken dansent avec tellement de sauvagerie que les personnes impliquées s'en sortent souvent blessées. Les Aurins sont des danseurs incroyablement agiles qui privilégient les acrobatie et les styles de mouvements plus compétitifs (pensez "Cirque du Soleil de la forêt"), ainsi que des rassemblements façon grosses raves forestières. Les Mecharis ne sont pas très branchés danse -ils ne sont pas franchement construits pour ça. Les Chua, évidemment, dansent comme si personne ne les regardait.

-Est-ce que les Chua peuvent tenir sur leur queue ? Elle semble plutôt robuste.

Pas pour de longues pèriodes, seuls les acrobates Chua entraînés le peuvent.

-Les prêtres Pell ont l'air d'être des versions géantes et bourrées de testosterone des Pells classiques. Y a-t-il une raison pour ça ?

Les Hauts-Prêtres Pells ressemblent aux Pells comme ils l'étaient du temps des Eldans. La plupart ont gardé cette apparence grâce au pouvoir qu'ils manient et auquel ils sont exposés régulièrement. Les autres Pells ont rapidement régressé physiquement, bien trop rapidement pour que ça soit explicable par une évolution naturelle. C'est un mystère que les scientifiques Exilés et du Dominion ont encore à résoudre.

-Y a-t-il un type de handicap physique qui soit impossible à guérir (ou arrangé grâce à des prothèses robotiques) ? Est-ce que les prothèses robotiques sont chères ?

Une transplantation de tête serait compliquée. Tu ne te sentirais pas pareil après coup.
Il y a des remplacements artificiels pour tout le reste, en supposant qu'on a les moyens de se les payer. Les prothèses pour les membres sont les plus communes, et il existe des types de prothèses qu'on pourrait considérer comme étant plus accessibles financièrement. Plus on y met d'argent, et meilleur est l'organe ou membre artificiel.

-Qu'est-ce qu'on peut considérer comme "aller trop loin" côté éthique, pour les Mordesh ?

C'est dur à dire sans exemples précis de ce à quoi tu penses. Ils ne travaillent généralement pas sur des sujets non-consentants, et ceux qui le font ne sont pas les bienvenus dans les cercles d'alchimistes. Ceci dit, s'il y avait une chance de ramener les Mordesh à la vraie vie -une vie leur permettant d'en créer de nouvelles et de donner à leur peuple une nouvelle chance-, presque tous les Mordesh feraient des choses douteuses pour qu'elle arrive.

-C'est plus une question personnelle, cette fois, mais qu'est-ce que tu préfères à propos de ton job sur Wildstar ?

A chaque fois que je pensais savoir quoi répondre -écrire les dialogues doublés, créer de nouvelles races et personnages, rédiger les journaux, récits et datacubes-, j'ai réalisé qu'il s'agissait d'aspects de mon boulot que j'adorais, mais... mon truc favori ? Ce sont les gens avec qui je bosse, et les personnes comme vous qui jouent et posent des questions sur le lore. Je sais que ça sonne un peu cucul, mais c'est la vérité.
Je bosse avec des gens franchement talentueux et impliqués, qui sont certainement les plus créatifs avec lesquels il m'ait été donné de travailler. Et vous, vous nous impressionnez avec votre interêt pour le jeu et les idées que vous avez partagées -notamment les questions que je n'avais jamais songé à me poser.
Et, ouais, on a aussi les Food Trucks qui viennent tous les mercredi et vendredi, plutôt géniaux. Surtout le Viking Truck, qui devrait vraiment revenir bientôt, des fois qu'ils me lisent.

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Message par Cortez 14.10.15 13:31

Merci pour tout ça ! Que ce soit la "simple" retranscription ou la traduction. Par contre, j'ai une petite question pour vous :

How does Aurin culture view those who are outside the gender binary? Can somebody who is Weave-sensitive but doesn't identify as female be a Matria?

This is an excellent question and one I almost touched upon in my earlier answer about matrias. But frankly, it's a topic I don't want to treat lightly, so I chickened out. Let me unchicken: yes, absolutely, a Weave-sensitive female-identifying Aurin could, if she was able to meet the requirements and had the raw ability, become a matria. No question. Is it common? No. But definitely something that can happen.

Vous la comprenez comment cette Q/R ?

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Message par Alekzei 14.10.15 14:09

Trad' rapide :

-Comment les Aurin voient-ils ceux qui ne rentrent pas dans les catégories de genre classiques ? Est-ce que quelqu'un qui perçoit la Weave suffisamment (me souviens plus du nom en VF, je connais pas assez le Lore Aurin pour ça :p) mais n'est pas une femelle pourrait devenir Matria ?

C'est une excellente question, à laquelle j'ai failli répondre dans la précédente concernant les Matrias. Mais pour être honnête, c'est un sujet que je ne veux pas aborder trop légèrement, alors je me suis dégonflé. Laisse-moi donc me rattrapper : Oui, absolument, une Aurin sensible à la Weave et se considérant comme une femelle pourrait, si elle se révelait apte à remplir les prérequis et possèdait le talent pur pour ça, devenir une Matria. Sans interrogations. Est-ce commun ? Non. Mais c'est clairement quelque chose qui peut se produire.

=> Donc, en gros, une Aurin transgenre (physiquement mâle, mais s'identifiant comme femelle), peut devenir Matria.

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Message par Lucius Emerson 14.10.15 14:25

Je comprends la confusion. Je l'avais justement vu comme une réponse qui ne correspond pas exactement à la question. Il me semblait que l'auteur de la question parlait d'une femelle s'identifiant comme mâle, et que notre lore designer répondait au sujet d'un mâle s'identifiant comme femelle.
Lucius Emerson
Lucius Emerson

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Message par Alekzei 14.10.15 14:33

Au vu de sa réponse, on peut déduire que le poste de Matria nécessite d'être femelle en tant que "symbole", et non d'un point de vue biologique . Du coup, ça m'a l'air un peu contradictoire dans le cas d'un Aurin biologiquement femelle qui ne tiendrait pas à être perçu ainsi (Loremageddon Aurin : "Aurin communities are matriarchal and have been for as long as the Aurin can remember. Communities are led by a female called a matria, who offers motherly guidance to the community[...]")

Je demanderai des précisions lors d'une prochaine session de questions/réponses si j'ai l'occasion, au pire.

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Message par Ankou 14.10.15 14:59

Mouais, perso, je vois surtout ça comme un moyen de ne froisser la sensibilité de personne en faisant un compromis assez contradictoire. Mais soit !

Merci en tout cas pour tout ce boulot, Alek !

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Message par Cortez 14.10.15 17:56

Oui justement, pour moi les questions c'était plus :

- Le point de vue des Aurins sur ceux qui sortent du genre binaire (donc comme vous dites, sortant du cadre mâle/femelle) => Pas de réponse d'ailleurs

- Est-ce que quelqu'un sensible à la Trame mais ne s'identifiant pas comme une femme (que ce soit une femelle se disant homme ou un homme tout court) => et là il répond "Oui absolument" puis "une Aurine sensible à la trame s'identifiant comme femme le pourrait" ce qu'on sait... déjà...
Ah mon avis le "female-identifying" devait être "non-female-identifying" à la base, mais il a pas dû se relire le bougre.

Merci de vos réponses en tout cas !

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Message par Alekzei 14.10.15 18:21

Puisqu'une Aurin transgenre peut devenir Matria, je pense que la réponse est évidente : les Aurins n'ont pas d'à-prioris négatifs sur les histoires de genre.

Par contre, oui, il ne répond en effet pas à la question du "est-ce qu'un Aurin peut devenir Matria sans pour autant s'identifier comme femme", mais pour un poste qui réclame une figure maternelle, dans une culture type Matriarchie, je pense que culturellement ça coincerait... mais ce n'est que mon avis. A creuser à la prochaine session de questions ! (De toute façon, je pense qu'on peut faire sans cette intervention pour le moment, à moins qu'on ait un camion de rôlistes Aurins mâles qui attendent de jouer Matria. ;'p)

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